whiteoak balanced advantage

WhiteOak Capital has announced the launch of a new scheme, WhiteOak Capital Balanced Advantage Fund, with a NFO opening on January 20th and closing on Feb 3rd, 2023.

It is an open ended Balanced Advantage Fund.

NFOHSBC Multi Cap Fund
NFO Open Date20 Jan 2023
NFO Close Date3 Feb 2023
BenchmarkCRISIL Hybrid 50:50
Fund ManagerRamesh Mantri
Trupti Agarwal (Co-Fund Manager)
Piyush Baranwal (Debt investment)
Exit Load1% unit redeem before 1 month
Minimum Investment500

Investment Strategy

The goal of the Scheme is to achieve long-term capital growth and income through a actively managed portfolio of equity-related instruments, debt securities, and money market securities.

whiteoak capital balanced advantage fund

The Scheme may use an internal proprietary model to guide asset allocation decisions, but the fund manager ultimately has the discretion to adjust allocation percentages, intervals, and approaches as needed to meet the investment objective.

The internal model may consider factors such as Adjusted Price to Book Value, ROE, G-Sec Yield to Earning Yield, VIX, Equity and Debt Momentum.

The model may be periodically updated with changes to the parameters and their weightings.

WhiteOak Capital AMC’s equity allocation strategy is to invest in strong companies based on individual stock selection and not to be swayed by macro events.

ParameterRemarksNet Equity Allocation
Adjusted Price to Book RatioMean-Reverting Equity Valuation Parameter + Overlay of Return of Equity(ROE)Higher Ratio => Lower Equity
Yield RatioG-Sec Yield / Normalised Earning Yield Measures Relative attractiveness of Debt & EquityHigher Ratio => Lower Equity
Key Valuation Parameter & Asset Allocation Range

Their philosophy centers on investing in high-quality businesses that are well-managed, have growth potential, and generate strong returns on invested capital, at attractive valuations.

The company believes that finding businesses that meet these criteria and are trading at substantial discounts to their intrinsic value is the key to successful investing.

Key attributes look for in a BusinessKey factors to evaluate
Superior returns on incremental capitalIndustry competitive intensity Sustainable
competitive advantage
Scalable long-term opportunityIndustry potential versus current size
Expanding market share and scope
Strong execution and governanceDrive to create long term value Interests
aligned with minority shareholder

The scheme may invest a portion of its portfolio in debt and money market securities, within the limits set by SEBI (MF) regulations. The scheme’s investments in these instruments will be based on creditworthiness, liquidity, and interest rate outlook.

Additionally, the scheme may use derivative instruments for risk management, portfolio diversification, and maximizing returns.
